Our Bible Travellers
BIBLE TRAVELLERS is an informal group. Our aim is Bible based learning together in a relaxed atmosphere. We are all on a journey of discovery and have reached different individual points along the way.
Meeting time: Thursday mornings 10.00 am for 10.30 starting with coffee (or tea) and chat. Finish time 11.30.
ALL WELCOME. (providing you are willing to abide by the agreement below.)
Group facilitator: Juliet king 01388 605614
Together we drew up the following agreement about our behaviour and attitudes within the group:
- There is no such thing as a silly question
- Verbal contribution and silent participation are equally valid and acceptable
- Each person's opinion and/or belief is valid and will be respected
- We will trust the Holy Spirit to lead us into the truth and to help us grow in faith
- We will listen carefully to each other
- We will be gentle and respectful towards one another
- We will not be contentious
- We will not try to mould one another into our own way of thinking
- Anything shared within the group will be regarded as confidential
- No one will be put "on the spot" and made to feel uncomfortable or at any kind of a disadvantage
- No previous knowledge of the Bible is necessary
- Laughter is not only allowed - but a regular feature of our meetings!
Current Bible promise to claim for our own use:
Psalm17 v 5: In the day of trouble He will keep me safe in His dwelling
Meeting venue: Gilside Cottage, Church Lane, Byers Green, DL16 7NL