Our Bible Travellers

BIBLE TRAVELLERS is an informal group. Our aim is Bible based learning together in a relaxed atmosphere. We are all on a journey of discovery and have reached different individual points along the way.

Meeting time: Thursday mornings 10.00 am for 10.30 starting with coffee (or tea) and chat. Finish time 11.30.

ALL WELCOME. (providing you are willing to abide by the agreement below.)                                                                                     

Group facilitator: Juliet king 01388 605614

Together we drew up the following agreement about our behaviour and attitudes within the group:

  • There is no such thing as a silly question
  • Verbal contribution and silent participation are equally valid and acceptable
  • Each person's opinion and/or belief is valid and will be respected
  • We will trust the Holy Spirit to lead us into the truth and to help us grow in faith
  • We will listen carefully to each other
  • We will be gentle and respectful towards one another
  • We will not be contentious
  • We will not try to mould one another into our own way of thinking
  • Anything shared within the group will be regarded as confidential
  • No one will be put "on the spot" and made to feel uncomfortable or at any kind of a disadvantage
  • No previous knowledge of the Bible is necessary
  • Laughter is not only allowed  - but a regular feature of our meetings!

We are currently reading the  book of Exodus and have reached the final chapter. We will be starting on a new book from the New Testament in 2025. Starting date to be decided. There will be no meeting on December 12th. Final meeting before Christmas December 19th.


Current Bible promise to claim for our own use: 

 Psalm17 v 5:  In the day of trouble He will keep me safe in His dwelling

Meeting venue: Gilside Cottage, Church Lane, Byers Green, DL16 7NL